The novels of Ming and Qing dynasty 明清小说
The prepare commentaries and punctuation for the novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty 明清小说评点
the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of republic 清末民初
“seals of schools of artists” (liupainyin) of the Ming and Qing dynasties 适应行为评定量表
poesy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清诗歌
Prostitute-related novels of the Qing Dynasty 清代狭邪小说
the Ming and Qing Dynasty 明清时期
Xiaxie Novels of the Qing Dynasty 清代狭邪小说
Dian chronicles of Ming and Qing dynasty 明清滇志
Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty 明清时期
acquainted females in the Ming and Qing Dynasties 共发射极
adherent of the Ming Dynasty 明遗民
adherents of the Ming Dynasty 明遗民
export porcelain during the Ming and Qing dynasties 明清外销瓷
four leading painters of the Ming Dynasty 明四家
Intellectual’s Notes of the Qing Dynasty 清代笔记
Last Years of Qing Dynasty and First Years of the 清末民初
Last Years of Qing Dynasty and First Years of the Republic of China 清末民初
Lat-Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China 清末民国
math of the Qing Dynasty 清代数学